Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The few things on my mind(as small as it might be)

It's been one of those days, I just feel kind of out of sync and tired. Weird, that's the only way to describe it. I'm not sure what is bothering me and I hate it when I get like this. So I'm going to take it out on you. I'm truly not sure what has made me feel this way but I don't like it and I want it to go away. There are a few things that have been weighing on my mind and maybe it is the combination of them all.
First of all why is it that most people assume that if you are a stay at home mom that what you do all day is watch soaps and surf the net? Granted, now that all of my kids are in school I do have more time on my hands but I still stay busy, some days very busy. I am constantly trying to better myself and do the things that need to be done. There are always things that need to be taken care of and done. I have 4 kids for goodness sake, keeping them all well and healthy is a task in and of itself. Not many days go by that I don't have more than a few things that have to be done. So just because my kids are all in school that means that I should be getting a job or doing something huge. Since Matt's in Kindergarten he no longer needs me? For that matter does Audrey not need me anymore because she is about to be a teen? It seems to me that they need me more than ever, not less. I have the privilege of being able to stay home and raise my kids, why does that make me less of a person or not as intelligent as someone who works? Eventually I want to go back to school but I'm still not sure that I would ever take a job but for now I want to enjoy the gifts that God has given me. That includes my kids and the ability to be here for them.
That brings me to the next thing that is weighing on my mind. I read a blog this morning and it really brought me to my knees. I do not intend to offend with this so if I do please let me know. Kay Kidd wrote about how much she missed her son and my heart broke for her and for myself. We all take the things that we are given for granted. I love my kids but it is so easy to get caught up with the things that need to be done and to forget about the things that should be done. I want to make sure and remember to let my kids know that I love them, completely. I want to relax a little and have fun with them. I want to enjoy every minute that God gives me with them. Thanks Kay for reminding me of that. You are a wonderful woman.
So maybe now I will feel a little better and get out of this funk. I just want to focus on what is important and be happy. There are people out there who will never quit judging and being demeaning but I hope to be able to relax and forget about them and only remember those who can have a positive influence on me.

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