Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Defeated by Frost

For years we haven’t done anything with our yard. We have attempted a few times to take on projects but they end up not getting finished and becoming a disaster. Last summer we spent a lot of time cleaning up the yard and getting rid of junk and that is going to continue this year. When the kids were all little it seemed there were always more important things to concentrate on. I didn’t have time to worry about planting, watering or even mowing grass. Oh the grass got mowed but not as often as it should have, he worked so many hours and I had 4 kids (6 for one year) to chase after. So as you can imagine it just wasn’t a priority. Now that the yard is a little cleaner and starting to improve I am desperately trying to get a start on learning to plant and grow things. I planted 4 large pots of flowers and set them up in front of the wall to our drive and they are looking so beautiful but guess what? It frosted last night. Will this cold weather ever go away? I just hope they are not ruined. It may be the end of my attempts! I have other projects planned but this may just be the end of my hopes and dreams. (No I’m not really that dramatic, I’m just a little put off by the frost.) I will continue with my efforts, I shall not be defeated by a little frost. You will see.

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