Friday, May 16, 2008

Fed-Ex; Halfway! You go the rest of the way.

Warning: Rant in Progress!!
Dear One needed a part for his old truck, so I went on-line and ordered it but standard shipping was 5-7 days and of course he needs it now (this time he really did). So I gladly paid $19.99 extra to get it shipped to him in one day because I really don’t feel like being without a vehicle again. I’m sitting here enjoying my day and the Fed-Ex guy calls. He wants to know if I will drive out to the local gas station and get my package. Excuse me? What? I paid extra to have it delivered and you want me to come to you and get it. I almost said “Sure I’ll come and get it” (that is just my nature) and had I got the regular shipping I probably would have but why should I? Granted we live, pretty much, in the middle of nowhere but what does that matter. He gets paid to do a job; it is not my problem if he is running late. I paid for a service and I expect to receive that service.
When he arrived to deliver the package he was courteous and his only comment was “It wasn’t as far up here as I thought”. Well thank you. I don’t care if it had been 50 miles instead of 5; it’s still your job. I started to say “Yeah, Well I have to pay for my own gas!”

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