Thursday, June 12, 2008

From 360 to 0 in 4.5

I'm having some major withdrawal here. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I like spending time with them, I am just in shock. This was the first year that I had all of my kids in school and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the time that I had to myself. To go from 6 hours a day to myself (thats 360 minutes) to absolutely not even a second alone has put me into shell shock. The last week of school (that was 4.5 days) was just a prelude to what was to come. Jo was home most of that week because of his foot and Audrey only went one day but that was nothing compared to having all 4 of them home 24/7. I had quickly forgotten what it was like to not have any time to myself. I forgot the joys of not being able to pee without being interrupted or of having the house get dirty within 5 seconds of me cleaning it. I forgot what it was like to not be able to write a blog without someone questioning who I was writing to! Now I can only think of how I squandered my freedom and how much I could have accomplished. What was I thinking?

73 days till school starts!!


  1. Oh I can't wait till I can forget what it's like to have kids at my feet all day long. Sounds like you need an adjustment period...maybe you could send them to Grandma's while you get used to the idea of having them home...

  2. Oh BLESS... My kids are STILL in school until the end of this month.. I am thankful for every moment I have...(alone) It sounds so horrible when you say it out loud doesn't it? Popping in via SITS... great blog!
