Tuesday, October 21, 2008

#86 and 87

Knowing who is running for President is simple, it's in your face everywhere you go but knowing who is running for local offices and finding out what they believe is a little more difficult. I have never done this before so I had no idea where to look. I searched until I found a sample ballot for my state and county (here's the link but it will mean nothing to anyone outside of WV). I'm sure most states have these. Then I set out searching for each of the candidates and reading up on their record or lack there of and what they say they believe in and want to accomplish. I'm not going to get into politics here, I have no interest in that but I can officially say I am well informed and ready to vote.


  1. Congrats on being featured on SITS! I loved your "coalminer's wife" post-- so true!

    I'm loving your 101 in 1001 thing on your sidebar-- I think I'm going to have to use that!

  2. One should be VERY informed about records, history, etc before they make the decision to vote... good for you to read up.
    ENJOY your day of being the STAR of SITS!

  3. Hey there...popping in from the SITStahood!

    cute blog i will most def be hanging out and reading a little bit!

  4. Congratulations on your SITS day! Enjoy it, you will feel loved and overwhelmed at the same time...but it'll be the best day ever!

    I'm off to read more of your posts!

  5. Congratulations on your SITS Feature Day - hope you get lots of visitors and have a great day!!!

  6. The newspaper here always publishes a voters guide that helps a lot. It has all the proposals, judges etc. plus the big stuff. Personally, I love the voters guides because they can't yell, debate or make me crazy. BAHAHAHAHA

  7. Congrats on your feature today! Have a great one!

  8. I LOVE well informed people! Voting rocks.

  9. I'm going this morning to early vote, armed with my list of random judges, etc.

    Wish me luck!!!

    Congrats on being Saucy!!

  10. Good for you! I love your list of things you have to do. What a Fab idea!
    I look forward to reading more about you. It isn't often you come across others with 4 kids like us!

  11. Good for you. I don't usually take the time to do that, I admit, and it's a shame, really. Congratulations on your SITS day, and I'm off to read more!

  12. Hey SITSta...

    Way to go- being informed!! Great 101 list by the way! Keep up the good work!

  13. I see you belong to the BATW community as well. So we have two things in common!

  14. I think you should be so proud of yourself for doing the research and making an informed decision. Good luck with the rest of the list!

    Glad I popped over from SITs!

  15. I love that you are a list makeer... I have lists for my lists... a little OCD over them actually... it is important that we all be imformed about who we are voting for, not only for PResident, but in our own towns and states... it is very easy to get pulled into a particular party, but it has to be based on more than being a democrat or republican...

  16. Hi Melanie, I am glad I got to meet you through SITSAS. My mission in life is to help moms reignite their passions and find their place among being maid, cook, and taxi driver. I also knit like a crack addict. So stop by and see me lady. Too bad I was not close enough to teach you. Do you have a ravelry page? Look at my blog later I will have some new pieces posted.

  17. Good Morning and Congrats!
    I'm glad you're featured as I probably never would have come across your blog otherwise; SITS is great, isn't it?
    Your blog looks very interesting , since I'm a techy type I am happy as a clam finding you!

  18. Good morning congrats on your sauciness! I'm actually one who does blog a lot about politics and the environment. I sometimes worry that I offend people who might have different opinions. I think though as long as you respect other people's opinions that comes through even though you feel strongly about something. I like how you advocate for informing yourself!
    I love the background on your blog! Is it hard to do?

  19. Yea for you getting out to vote...hope it was the RIGHT thing to do. :)

  20. OOps - and too funny that you posted that pic of your blood. What we bloggers won't do for a post - LOVE. IT!

  21. Preach it SITSta - this is a big soap box of mine, too. People are all caught up in the Presidentail election, and that's fine and dandy, but it's the officials from the STATE level that are the ones they should be more concerned about.

    Great blog!!

  22. Hi there!! Congrats on being SITS featured blogger!! I'm new to the SITStahood and I'm already having so much fun.

    Your blog is great. I love serious blogs, funny blogs... all blogs!! Blog Baby Blog!! Today is my 100th post day. Woo Hoo!!

    I'll be back to visit soon. ~Jill :)

  23. Way to take initiative and be an informed voter - I think the end result would be more satisfactory to all if everyone would take that sort of time... not necessarily that their candidate would win, but they'd know the positives of the other guy and not just the negatives that get put on the ads :)
    Congrats on your SITS day in the Sun (...err, hoping there's sun where you are at least!)

  24. Congrats on your SITS day! Got all that voting stuff over last night. Voted early! Now I don't have to listen anymore!.

  25. Glad to visit your blog & I like serious!!! Some things shouldnt be always funny - serious topics need to be discussed too! And I LOVE your description saying God perfectly forgives - LOVE IT!

  26. Congrats on being our SAUCY SITSa today! I am really enjoying your posts.

  27. Oh, you totally ARE saucy!!! Great blog :-D

  28. Congrats on the Featured Blogger biz!! Enjoy the plethora of comments!!

    Happy Hump Day!

  29. hooray for you, miss well informed. that's all anyone can ask. good job! ohm, and i love ur brown retro background....sooo cute!

  30. Yea for being saucy and a smart voter!

  31. Kudos sista for being the FB at SITS. I love the name of your site! I am brand spanking new to SITS and interested to see what it's all about.

    Half of the post on my blog are serious and the other half are silly. There's a space in this blogosphere for all of us.

    But for now I say...Giggle On!

  32. We should all be so infomred and diligent. Well done!

  33. I'm unfortunately not a good local voter. I either pick a name that sounds familiar or just leave it blank. I probably should take a lesson from you and get informed!

  34. I came over from SITS and I love the idea of looking at a sample ballot. I was just thinking the other day that I have no idea what proposals and other items are up for the vote! GOOD IDEA!

  35. Happy SITSday!! You are a very good writer I cant wait to read more about your thoughts.

  36. I'd say you were one smart lady for doing your research!

  37. Happy SITS day! I tried to comment on the coal miner's wife post but for some reason it wouldn't scroll all the way down to let me add one?

    I'm the great-granddaughter of a (retired) miner, so I get it. Morgan Spurlock did a great episode on coal miner's in the recent season of 30 days.

  38. I love your idea of making a list of things you want to accomplish and checking them off as you go. I think it's a great way to keep yourself motivated and motivate so many others at the same time!

  39. congrats on being featured on SITS today!!

  40. Hi, It's nice to meet you. I'm enjoying your Blog.

  41. Good for you! I keep saying I am going to look into local candidates but have yet to find the time.

    I also read your coal miners wife post and washing machine post that SITSa's did on you. I couldn't comment for some reason so I will ad my comments here.

    The washer was funny and made me think because I refuse to clean out anyone elses pockets. Maybe that is a bad choice on my part.

    I say shame on all those that don't respect what your husband does for a living. Not everyone has a fancy office job and someone has to do these things.

  42. Congrats on being featured, and here's a shut out to your daughter Audrey, from me, another Audrey!!

  43. I love your blog! And congrats on the FB. I am on the weight loss journey too...Good luck!

  44. Visiting from SITS. You have great insight. I enjoyed reading many posts. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  45. Congrats on being the SITS blog of the day.

  46. How awesome are you??!!??!! I really like your 101 in 1001!! I wish I had your dedication! Rock on, SITSta!

  47. Congratulations on your SITS feature. I hope that you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  48. good for on informing yourself. I enjoyed your posts and I just wanted to say Hi. I am new to SITS, so I am really enjoying reading all these blogs. I am learning that we may all be different and lead differnt lives and live allover the place, but still we are all alike in so many ways.
    Happy featured blogger day to you!!!

  49. P.S. i love that "to do list" you have there

  50. Great blog! I just found you secret is in the sauce! I'll be back!!

  51. Congrats on being saucy!!! I have a feeling I'm going to have too much fun checking over your blog! ;-)

    I'm with you on the whole voting thing. When it comes to the local aspect...I'm lost on the local candidates. I'm so not happy with the choices nationally or locally. I will vote though! ;-)


  52. Even though I know who I'm voting for, I don't care who you vote for cause you are well informed!! I'm glad that you took the time to read up!! More people need to do this! You go girl!

  53. Hey! Happy SITS day to you! Love the look of your page! The colors are awesome!


  54. Congrats on being the featured blog. Just stopping by with a little comment love. I too have informed myself and am ready to vote.

  55. Hey found you on SITS congrats...very nice blog love it!

  56. I feel as though I don't know enough to vote. I am very easily swayed by comments peers and family make. It seems that in order for me to make a truly educated decision I would have to study politics for the last 100 years. I'm a nursing student and thus do not have time for that! This election really stresses me out!

  57. CONGRATS on being saucy! Love your blog design.

  58. Hope you're having a wonderful SITS day!

  59. Looking forward to reading your biz'ness! Congrats to you:)

  60. Good for you--it's such a big job to actually be an informed voter! And I love your 101 in 1001...I've seen it on a couple of other blogs and I think I'm going to start my own list next month on my bday.
    Oh! And happy SITS day!

  61. Awesome job getting all informed and everything!!

  62. Good luck with the vote, SITSah!
