Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Family History

Part 7: Just One More. Please!!

Mike had already been wanting another baby when I had a little accident. I was going out to start the car and fell down the front steps. They were icy, I slipped on the top one and landed on the bottom one. I knew immediately that my tailbone was broken, I thought I was going to throw up and the pain was unbearable. I still however had to get Audrey to the bus. So I picked up one boy in each arm, one 18 months and one 3 years, put them in the van, took her to the bus, came back and carried the boys back into the house. I was about to die. I called around and found someone that could help me and they took me and the boys to the hospital where they confirmed what I already knew. My tailbone was broken, almost all the way through because I picked up the boys and increased the size of the break. Mom helped me out a lot. For the first few days she did pretty much everything for us and then I would call when Drew got up and she would come and get him out of his bed (I wasn't allowed to lift him). We ended up putting Drew into one of the little toddler beds so that he could just get up. A few days in I still couldn't move good or sit for long so I sent Hubby with a list to get groceries. He came home with a Dining Table and very few groceries. Once he set the table up and we were trying it out he told me that the reason he bought the table was because it had 6 seats and he knew I would want to fill that seat when I saw it setting empty. This is what he was thinking about while his poor wife was setting with a broken tailbone. (My previous story about the table). When I was feeling better we started talking about having another baby and I made him a deal. I honestly didn't want another one (don't throw things at me, I wouldn't trade him for the world now) but I wanted my husband to be happy. Once my tailbone was healed we would try to have another baby and (here comes the deal) once I was pregnant he would have a vasectomy. If he didn't already have the vasectomy done by the time the baby was born I would have my tubes tied. So he would get his Just One More and I would be done. When the six weeks had passed and my tailbone was healed we started trying for our 4th and last child.

Next:Part 8:The misery that brought me Matt.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Melanie,
    I wanted to come by and say hello, I was just visiting the Christian moms blogs, I just joined as well from blogging around the world. I Just read this post so far and I see I need to back track, so I will be back to read more and I wanted to invite you over when you have time, my door is always open so make yourself at home.

    God Bless Lorie
