Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Jo turned 9

Want to make yourself feel old? Have kids!! It may not happen right away but eventually it does. My kids are getting so big and mature. I have to worry about things that when they were babies I never thought about being in the future. When they are born its all cuteness, yes its tough at times but I'm here to tell you guys it only gets harder. The things you have to worry about are such bigger issues than am I feeding them the right things or does his diaper need changed. Its just surreal to think that he is 9 and Audrey is getting ready to start Middle School. Its actually quite depressing because for as much time as I didn't think about puberty or them dating when they were babies I spend that time now thinking about the fact that they will soon be graduating HS and going on with their lives. Yet at the same time I just keep thinking that one day soon I will be able to take a bath without someone standing at the door screaming "Mommmmy!!".

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