Friday, January 4, 2008

So Ecstatic

I've done really well this week!! Exercised everyday and ate really well!! I had a cup of cocoa last night and the sugar about killed me. I was giggly and if you know me that is just not right haha!!! Then I weighed this morning and I'm down 3.8 pounds this week. So that makes the total almost 15 now. I honestly can't tell that much of a difference in my size but it is still great. Where I can tell the difference is in how I feel. My exercise level keeps getting better too. You guys have no idea how out of shape I was. The first day on the treadmill I could only walk for 15 minutes and that was at 2 mph. This morning I walked for 30 min. at 3 mph and made it 1.5 miles. Now compared to some peoples 5 mile a day run that isn't much but it is huge for me and someday I will get to those 5 miles, I promise.

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