Friday, January 11, 2008

Well on my way

Well I'm down another 2.2 lbs. That makes almost 18. I reached my first "mini" goal that I set for myself of being under a certain weight for the first time in awhile. I still can't tell that much of a difference in my size (although Mike says I'm crazy) but I do feel great!!! I'm up to 40 minutes of walking now and still walking at 3 mph so I'm getting 2 miles in. I'm going to stay at 3 mph until I can get an hour in with no problem and then I will start trying to get faster again. I did decent with eating this week but I did have a piece of Mike's ice cream cake on his birthday. I honestly don't miss the junk food and pop as much as I thought I would and other foods taste so much better when you aren't eating all of that stuff. It's not always easy but it's not as hard as I thought it would be.
Once I lose the weight that I need to I hope I can be like my dad. He eats pretty sensible but has what he wants on special occasions and things, then every January he weighs and takes a month or so to lose what he gained the year before(which is never much) and then goes back to normal. He walks and exercises all the time, of course and that is what makes the difference I'm sure. I just can't wait to be really healthy again and I'm sooo looking forward to being able to really ride bikes with the kids this summer (and not just pretend and kill myself in the process).

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