Friday, April 4, 2008

Young Love

I’m looking for some suggestions here. How do you teach your kids to see the truth behind how people act? If you try to tell them you only get the "Oh Mom, you just don’t get it" look or speech. So how do you make them realize? I feel like I have made progress at times and then all of the sudden I realize I haven’t. Why are kids so open to letting other kids manipulate and use them? I suppose it is the need to feel important and wanted.
Audrey has hit that age where the guys are willing to say and do anything to get what they want. The ones that are her age are not all that smooth at it and have yet to figure out what a girl wants to hear. The older ones on the other hand, have it all figured out. How do I teach her this? I just keep hitting a wall. At the moment I have decided to just keep my mouth shut and let her learn for herself. We keep a close reign on her so she can’t get by with too much. I can’t help but think about what all I did get by with on the bus and at school though.
Jo is just completely oblivious to the things that girls are capable of. Of course that remains true for men most of their lives so maybe this is a losing battle. He is so crazy about this one little girl though but he just can’t see through all of the things that the rest of the girls are doing to keep her from him. Girls are so mean to each other some times. I don’t think she sees it either. It’s so easy for me to spot the truth and see the differences but that’s something that comes with experience I suppose. He has a new little girlfriend, not the one he’s crazy about but the one that tried hard to break them up. Hello! Am I the only one that can see that? And the one that he is crazy about and that I would guess is still crazy about him should pay attention to the small things. He hasn’t moved her to the top of his Myspace or changed his name on there. He doesn’t ever talk to her on the phone and they aren’t friends and don’t like each other in general. How do kids miss these things? Why is it not obvious to them? I guess at that age all feelings override any common sense.
I just want my kids to be happy but there is this thing inside of me that just wants to shake them and say "Wake up; things are not what they seem". Young love can be so sweet but getting to that point is tough

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