Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yes I'm a Coal Miner's Wife

Homer Hickam speaking of the 12 killed at Sago in 2006: "We are proud of who we are. We stand up for what we believe. We keep our families together. We trust in god. But rely on ourselves. By adhering to these four simple approaches to life, they were a people who were not afraid to do what had to be done. To mine the deep coal and to do it with integrity and honor. "

I can give you tons of facts and numbers. Numbers that I use to make myself sleep better; In 1900 the death rate was .33% and in 2007 it was just .02%. Numbers that should make you care; 50% of the electricity used by Americans alone comes from coal. Those are just numbers though. They don't explain how I feel or how we live. The coal industry saved us and that's the truth. There are not many opportunities here and the ones that do exist are not all that lucrative. My husband drove an hour to work each day and worked hard in a sawmill for 10 hours to then turn around and drive an hour back home for very little pay. Yes, a college education gets you a better job but not a job around here. It still would mean moving or an even longer commute. Yes, we could simply move but we love this community. It is where we both grew up and where we wanted to raise our kids. He gave up many chances to go into the mines through the years because we just weren't sure that we could handle the life. Now that seems so foolish. He loves what he does even though it is dangerous at times. It is hard for me knowing that every time he goes he is at risk but it is no more risk than he was taking on a 2 hour commute every day (figure up the statistics). We no longer have to worry about losing everything that we have by tomorrow though, we don't struggle from day to day, we can breathe easy and live a decent life. I am very proud of my husband and what he does. There are many people around here that hate the coal industry and often they go to far. They have called us Coal Hoes because apparently letting your husband provide for you so that you can stay home with your kids means you are letting him buy you. I've had substitute teachers tell my kids that any one who works in "those mountains" doesn't care about them and is killing them. This may not be a great comparison and I may catch some heat for it but it is the closest thing I can think of. No matter how much you disagree with the war, you don't condemn the soldier for following orders. You may disagree with the tactics used in coal mining but don't condemn the men who go back into that black hole everyday. They are all just doing their part.

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  1. Wow. What a great post.

    Funny...police/fireman that have SAH wives don't seem to get that kind of flack. They too are in dangerous fields.

    Saw you on the SITS blogroll this week. Thanks for the great read.

  2. It's not a rational argument just there way of taking a dig at us. Thanks for the compliment.

  3. I really enjoyed this post. It's so interesting to hear an insider's perspective. :-)

    Congrats on being saucy this week!

  4. Absolutely agree on this post. Our men take care of their families by risking their lives 6-7 days a week. They are our diamonds in the rough...heroes all the same...

  5. It drives me bonkers when people who don't even know you or your family, feel like it's their responsibility to judge you. You are doing a great job!

  6. Awesome post, my great-grandfather was a coal miner, it is hard work and it is a job someone has to do. They aren't hurting anyone they are just doing their jobs, so they can put a roof over their families head and food in their mouths. People should look to the companies if they want to complain.

  7. That was a wonderful post - it is a very tough job and where would we be without the industry? By the way I love your list on the right too - I was reading them and nodding my head - how small the world is isnt it? We are all the same in many ways.

    Great blog and I will be back - found your from SITS! Have a great feature day!

  8. I appreciate what your hubby does! How dare they call anyone a CoalHoe!

    Let me at 'em! let me at 'em!

  9. A boy I went to school with worked in the mines, and was killed in an accident driving home.... so you are right, a dangerous job, but...... as for Coal hoes.. sounds like the green eyed monsteritis coming out of those people to me...

    great post!

  10. I've never known much about the life of a coal miner, other than the song that Loretta Lynn sings..."Coal Miner's Daughter". I understand that it can be very hard work, and quite frightening, as well. Bless your husband for all he does!! I know you're very proud of him, and rightly so.

    Congrats, by the way, for being Featured Blogger!! Enjoy!!

  11. Thanks for the interesting perspective. I sure have admiration for what you and your husband do each day.

  12. Thank you for sharing that. This is a topic that I know very little about, and it is nice to hear from someone who can speak first hand.

  13. That is so true. Somebodies gotta do it :D

  14. What a tough job your husband has, although I'm sure you consider being a SAHM the toughest job of all, I know I do!

  15. People can be so cruel, I'm sorry you've had to face all that.

    Thanks for shedding light on this topic!

  16. Happy SITs day! Thank you for your post, I really appreciate hearing the perspective of someone in the trenches.

  17. I cannot believe a sub would say something like that to the kids ... what are they thinking?

    Loved reading a post about this from someone with a bird's eye view.

  18. Congratulations on your SITS day. I'm off to read some more.

  19. Wow. What a rude teacher actually that is beyond rude. That person should be banned from the school. Congrats on your SITS day.

  20. wow, I have never known anyone whose hubbie actually worked in a coal mine. I wonder why people would be so negative? I dont understand. a job is a job and he is working for his family! Give him a big ol hug when he gets home and tell him the sitsa's think he is great!

  21. What an insightful post. Your pride in your husband and what he does comes through in such a loving way! It's a shame you have to deal with such small-minded people. Hugs...you're the better person for having theh open mind and teaching your children what really matters in life.

  22. Neat post! Aren't husbands and all the hard work they do wonderful? Thanks for the peek into your life.

  23. I can't believe people, especially teachers, would say such horrible things to your children. They should be thanking your family for your husband putting his life at risk everyday so that they can have electricity. I'd love to see all of the anti-coal mining people get their electricity cut off. I wonder if they would be so negative about it then.
    And as far as the "coal hoe" remarks... You and your husband made the decision together to do what you felt was best for your family. If someone else doesn't think that is the best thing for their family, then they don't have to do that. To each his own.

  24. I would be so upset if someone said that to my kids. And you can bet it would only take once for them to call me a hoe of any kind before we had issues. I would remind those lovely town folk without your husband they would walk to work and freeze in their homes.

    I appreciate anyone, including your husband, that does the "dirty" jobs we all need.

  25. It just drives me nutty when anyone judges others. Great post!

  26. Coal hoes? Seriously? People are so stupid.

    Kudos to your husband for providing for his family, and kudos to you for being a proud and supportive wife!

  27. I didn't realize there was controversy over coal mining. I really should get out more! I can't believe people would say such things to the wives of men working hard to earn a living.

    Happy SITS day!

  28. What a GREAT post!! it amazes me the things people will say!

    Happy SITS day!


  29. Coal miners are American heroes in my book

  30. Wow, I never would have thought. Thanks for giving an insider's perspective!

  31. Wow. What a great post. It is certainly a job that is taken for granted and it seems we only hear about it when there has been a horrible accident. Why is it people don't thank people for hard work anymore? Maybe it's because so few people actually do hard work nowadays. Well, give your husband a great big THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO from me and my family.
    Happy SITs day!

  32. Happy SITS day. I'm thankful for the hard work that your husband does to keep our world running!

  33. Congratulations on being today's featured blogger!

  34. Wow, so people think that because your husband risks his life and health to provide for his family, that he has somehow "bought" you? I would love it if my husband made enough for me to stay home with my kids, although I probably wouldn't :-). Crazy! I agree with the analogy you made about the war and the soldiers. He has a job to do, and that's what it comes down to.
    All the best to you and your family.

  35. Wow. I hole heartedly agree. I work for a Gold Mining company, I'm not actually a miner, I'm an accountant for them, I go to my safe office everyday while the real workers risk their lives going under ground or to the open pit everyday.

    Gold mining is not as dangerous as coal mining by any means but I really do feel for you. When we have a fatality it is devistating, the whole company feels the pain from this loss so I can't even imagine how the family feels!

    I am glad to see you are proud of your man! I know how hard those coal miners work and society doesn't realize they all need coal to have all the ammenities that they enjoy.

    I love being able to visit the mine sites, if you want to see pics from a recent tour, visit me here: http://grandpooba.blogspot.com/2008/10/gold-lobsters-brothels-anyone.html

    Yay for coal miners!

  36. Wow, I guess I didn't even know there was such a controversy. (I live in Nebraska, and we don't have coal mines here.) I know it's a hard and dangerous job. I can't believe people are that cruel, especially to children! Your husband (and family) are just as brave to me as any other "heros" out there! Congrats on being today's feature!

  37. Those people are just ignorant. It makes me so mad they said that to your kids! Who are they to judge?!?
    Congrats on being the featured blog! Have a great day :D

  38. The whole thing is narrow minded. But what bothers me most is when they say things like that to your kids. There's no excuse for that.

  39. It is appalling the ignorace that an authority figure (sub teacher) felt the need to spread to your child.
    Thanks for sharing your perspective and congrats on being the featured blogger.

  40. I was unaware. Coal hoe? Crazy. Where is the shame in working hard to support your family?

  41. Wow, you stand your ground girl! I never knew things like this went on. I commend you on your sacrifice!

  42. you are totally right to be proud of your husband. I live in AZ, so Ive never heard of any backlash for being a coal miner. good for your husband... we need energy!!

  43. Amen sister Amen. It's all about not judging a book by its cover. Nobody should find fault with you or your husband for what he does. He is providing for his family and not everyone can say that.

    You and your children should be proud of your husband and it sounds like you are. We're all proud of what he does everyday to provide not only for your family but for others whom rely on the coal for their daily lives.

  44. Why on earth are people so hateful about his profession? Your husband works his butt off and provides for his family, and what else can you ask for?

    Stay proud, darling!

  45. Great Post!

    I just wanted to say Thank You to your husband for doing what he does. And as for him buying you that's a load of bull. I stay home also and my husband works hard so that I can. I hate those that judge me saying "I'm lazy for not working". I would go out and get a job in a second if I needed to or to help out but this is the way we want to live our lives and that's our business.

    Congrts on your SITS feature!

  46. Funny...the teacher who said that...I betcha she turns on her TV, washing machine, radio, oven, etc...Gosh darn it ms teacher....that would make you a big HO too...see you're using the very power that is supplied by the people you so flippantly insulted. I love hypocrites! Your hubby should be very proud that he supports his family in a way that allows you to raise your children to be decent citizens...instead of counting on a day care to raise them for you. What a precious sacrifice he is making. And I for one am thankful for the electricity he generates with the coal he retrieves...thank him for me please.

  47. That is so sad that it even gets taken out on your children.

  48. I can't believe that a teacher would say something like that to a child. It's just wrong. No one should be condemned for how they provide their family.

  49. those substitute teachers should be shown the door. Is it really anyone's business? People can be very insensitive at times. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  50. I have a lot of military in my family and do indeed get the same comments from time to time. Thanks for the insider view. And thanks to your husband for my computer power!

  51. Great post. It is very obvious how proud and supportive you are of you husband.

  52. I am sad to hear that someone would say something so cruel to your children. That person is very ignorant. I love your blog by the way.

  53. It's a hard row to hoe, but your husband is blessed to have you behind him.

  54. what's that saying about people who live in glass houses? anyway - great post! seems like you guys have a solid foundation though and will be able to weather any storm.

  55. I agree with Mercedes...that is out of line to say such things to children. Great post telling how it is.

  56. I second and third that sister! Stay strong and follow your heart. You control how other people make you feel...so don't let them make you feel wrong:)

  57. Wow, really neat insights. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this.

  58. I can't believe there are people so shallow minded as that. Way to speak your mind though. I'd like to see that teacher try to survive in a world with out coal. Ha!

  59. Some people...

    Thanks for sharing! It was a great post!

  60. Unreal that people would go that far. Hold you head high & know that those small and petty people must really be sad & miserable.

  61. I just finished reading an interesting article in the Washingtonian about coal country and what it's like to live there. I liked your analogy to soldiers, very true. I don't think people should criticize anyone until they've walked a mile in their shoes.

  62. Amen Sister! I totally agree with you. Funny how people can say such nasty things about others but just know that they are probably the ones wishing they could stay home!!

  63. A very moving post. What ever happened to 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all'? And to kids who look up to them for the answers. It puts everyone in a lose lose situation. The parents, the teachers, but most of all the kids. I hate that you had to go through all of this.

  64. Wow... I'm constantly amazed by the cruel and rude things that people will spout at children. So wrong. And coal mining is an industry I know so little about... thanks for sharing a snippit.

  65. Great post! You should be very proud of your husband. We have coal mines here in Indiana too, and it's not easy work.
    Happy SITS Day!

  66. Sorry you have to live with small-minded people like that. I guess every place always has their share. Everyone owes it to their family to do whatever they have to in order to take care of their family. Who cares what other people think!

  67. I agree, there is no shame in working an honest living to provide for your family! Often people who have the most negative to say, know the least. Happy SITS!

  68. Wow, I can't believe some of the things people say.
    I lived in WV for awhile and had friends whose families had been in the mines for generations. It is a hardworking, honorable job and the men who work in the mines (and their families) deserve just as much respect as any other profession if not more.

  69. thanks for being willing to share that, it must be hard.

  70. Fantastic post. Seriously, people give you a hard time? Okay. So. Do they have their own wind generators and solar panels to provide them with electricity? Yeeesh! And WHAT a thing to tell kids, that their daddy doesn't love them because of where he works.

  71. We live in a mining area, but most of them are closed now---but new ones are opening up soon, and it is a good thing for our local economy.

    It never occurred to me that people would call the wives such a thing--what kind of mentality is that? The miners are working hard for an honest living, they are not selling crack to babies or whoring out their wives, for God's sake. Where do these people think power comes from?

  72. One of my biggest pet-peeves is people who sit in judgement of others. It really gets under my skin. How can these people (and especially teachers) say those things - and to a child, no less! It's bad enough that people are so wrapped up in themselves and their self-righteousness that they think they are better than everyone else - but a TEACHER should know better! You never ever tell a child anything negative about their parents. That's just wrong on way too many levels!!! Just keep being proud of yourself and your family - the rest doesn't matter anyway ;)

  73. I've always respected them. First off, I can't imagine having the guts to do it.

    Hold your head proud!
