Thursday, October 23, 2008

I would walk a mile for a.....

time out. I soooo need a time out right now. Just a few minutes to reflect on the way I've been acting, Please. It gets so overwhelming sometimes and I know that my attitude sucks when it's like that but noone will give me even a second to think about how I'm acting, so how am I suppose to correct it? I can't wait till things calm down and get better. My kids are in school, I'm suppose to have a little ME time but somehow that isn't happening. Will somebody put me in time out please!! Of course if I had time to walk I would have my time out and stress relief's just a vicious cycle I guess


  1. I wish I could give you a time out. I feel the same way lately. Sometimes, especially after the long leisurely summer I know I feel so ready to jump in that I sometimes overwhelm myself. I've taken a few days and just cancelled everything, shut off the phones and turned off the television, opened my bible and just stayed in the moment.
    here's hoping you get time for YOU tomorrow.

  2. just breathe! thats all i got for advice! some days are hard!!!!
    i hope you recharge through the night!

  3. OK - Time out - you get it. Go to your room, close the door, get in your bed. Stay there until you are ready to get up. It will all be there when you get back

  4. Go in the bathroom, lock the door, and pretend you can't hear anything that's taking place beyond. - I mean, when you've gotta (pretend to)go, you gotta (pretend to) go, right? - So what if you're in there for an hour?
    Spend some time in the bathroom - it will do you wonders!

  5. We can all use a time out once in a while. I took one today because I was about ready to hurt someone!! (not really but I'm sure you know what I mean). I totally went into the bathroom at work and sobbed. I think I really deserved that cry. Make time for your time out tomorrow. :)

  6. Oh, I feel your pain! Go fill the tub with warm bubbly water and make that your time out!

  7. These are the times when I coach my clients to use the mundane activities as times outs. The buddhists do it why can't we? If you have to wash the dishes than damnit make it a meditation and stay present..just breath. If you are making dinner and chopping veggies focus on nothing but that and let the worries go. If your kids are in school I know we can find you a few minutes. I do a seminar on Taking I give all kinds of ways to decompress in 5 minutes. Turn on some music and dance for five minutes...smell some lavender or bergamot essential oils just breath them in deeply...and take that time out no matter what you have to do or everyone will suffer.

  8. I hope you got a "time out" and that today is better. Maybe you can schedule 1 hour this weekend when another family member can watch the kids and you can do what you need to do whether it be... sleeping, soaking, drinking, walking, shopping, crying, laughing, driving, dreaming, reading or just plain nothing at all.
    Let us know how you are feeling!

  9. We all have those days. Take a tubby and bring a glass of wine with you. You deserve the time out!!!

  10. Oh, I feel your pain! Go fill the tub with warm bubbly water, add a splash of yummy smelling bath salts, pour a tall glass of wine and make that your time out!

  11. I think all the moms of the world should be given a union break around noon. Someone come feed our kids lunch while we take a time out please. Thank you.
