Friday, July 25, 2008

It will all be right in The End

In our Sunday School Class we have been doing lessons based on a book - Right People, Right Place, Right Plan Devotional- for the last few weeks. This has brought about some great changes for me, in the way that I think about things. The book was split into 3 sections as the title suggests and each was very big for me. The second part is titled Right Place and this was the biggest revelation for me. This is where my thinking was changed. Not about the future or where I need to be though, it was about the past. I have considered writing about this before and am now glad that I didn't. I'm not sure that I should now but I feel that I need to share it. If anyone that I know reads this and is upset, let me say now that I am sorry.

A few years ago, I think it's been 4, my Mom and Dad moved. It was devastating for me. When my husband and I got married we lived in a few crappy rental houses before we moved to where we are now. Where we are now is on half of my parents land, which they deeded to us the second Christmas after we were married. It was the backside of their property (I'm not talking about a tiny lot either) and needed to be cleared off and have some work done. We did the work and put a home here. I thought I was moving next to my parents, where I would live for the rest of my life and take care of them when they got old. So when they came and told us they were leaving I took it hard. I couldn't understand why or how. Why would you leave your grandchildren and your daughter and just up and move. It made absolutely no sense to me and I was hurt. How could they not care any more than that? I barely went to see their house over the next year and really didn't talk to them a whole lot, I was just flat out hurt. Then a little over a year later we went to the church they were now attending for a Friends Day. Things at the church we were going to had gotten a little dramatic and we were considering leaving. The next service that we went to at our church was horrible and we ended up just getting up and leaving to never look back. We had felt so welcome at my parents church and that was the first church we decided to try and we have never left. We love it there, it is where we are suppose to be, I have no doubt. I still had hard feeling though about my parents moving, I still harbored resentment towards them in a way. I had not allowed myself to see that it was all part of God's plan and that my parents had to be in the right place in order for it all to happen. There was a place in the devotional where it said that the things God wants you to do today you may not understand but they may be setting up the future for your children and grandchildren. It hit me then. Wow, I don't know God's plans and don't even pretend to understand them but I am glad that my parents listened when it was time for them to go and that they found this wonderful church for all of us.

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  1. I love this post, Melanie. It's so awesome to see you recognize God using your parents move to lead you to a great fellowship. Some people, Christians included, never seek the bigger purpose and meaning behind the decisions they don't "agree" with. That shows maturity on your part. Keep growing, sister....

    Glad you stopped by today.

  2. Hey there, SITSta! I Stumbled you, and I'm glad I did!! BTW, please come on over to my blog, and join our Oprah E-mail Campaign. While you're there, enter the Great Pop'rs Giveaway. Hope to see ya soon!

  3. So insightful. I can only imagine how hard the transition was once they were gone.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting when I was featured on SITS. I look forward to many more visits to yours. Off to read more.
